While deposits do become denser/deeper as you look beyond your immediate neighborhood, that trend doesn't continue forever. As a result, the belts and stations I had built at my mines were soon incapable of handling the flow. I for one didn't feel like I had an urgent need for stronger weapons, so my infinite research went mostly into mining efficiency.

My first recommendation is to take mining efficiency into account. I've never gone beyond a couple hundred SPM, that was totally doable in default map settings. I guess it depends on what scale of "Mega" you have in mind. At some point you'll realize that dealing with biters and scouting new ore are not the hard part of making a megabase, but they are tedious and interrupt you at the worst time of dealing with an intricate layout, and then you'll understand why people change the settings so they don't have to deal with that stuff so much. Bots don't require precisely placed infrastructure on the ground, and not only can trains move large volumes, but a single length of rail isn't locked into moving only one or two types of items. You'll start to feel the pressure of all this going for 100 spm, and probably start to understand why megabases almost always go bot or train, and not belt only. The sheer scale at which stuff has to be moved to so many different destinations is what usually overwhelms people, and the sheer tedium of having to rip large parts out just because there is no more room to scale up. And that isn't counting stuff outside of the direct science lines like assembling machines, drills, more advanced inserters, train stops, etc. And those iron plates have to go to crafting machines making steel plate, iron wheels, iron sticks, green circuits, sulfuric acid, batteries, radars, accumulators, pipe, firearm magazines, grenades, inserters, and transport belts. My current base (which doesn't even qualify as a megabase at 896 SPM) requires the equivalent of 26 fully compressed blue belts to move all the iron plates. Some people apply the same principles to 10000 SPM and 1000 SPMīuilding megabases is about logistics. Especially when you build on relatively small scales. UPS is important, but the game is so optimized that you don't need to worry nearly as much as some people think. Just don't listen to people saying you need to do this or that just to save UPS. That gives you a good feeling for what the map settings do. You can generate some worlds and use the console to reveal the map for several thousand tiles around you. So you can explore a bit in one direction to get really huge patches. Then your mines will last a long while.Īlso keep in mind that richness increases a great deal the farther you go from your starting area. Even default frequency has a large number of patches. Personally I don't like it when there is ore everywhere. But some people consider clearing out new areas tedious. You can definitely build a large base with biters activated. What is reasonable or not depends on your taste. My question is do megabasers typically play with resource richness, frequency higher than normal? Do they turn biters off? Or do you think if I concentrate on optimizing the process of killing bugs, building new mines it would not take an unreasonable amount of time? Could you say what are the standard/typical settings building with megabases? My problem is in games I always getting into situations where I spend the majority of my time finding new mines, killing bugs around the area, and building train stations to ship it home.
Factorio mega base how to#
I suppose maybe a first step would figuring out how to do 100 SPM? I liked playing on default settings with resource limits and biters, since I feel that I am participating in a sort of "standard challenge." Currently, I have a nice starter base with those settings (last played just before 1.0) and would like to start thinking megabase with it. I've never built a megabase, only causally played through the tech curve to launch the rocket several times throughout updates. Hello, thank you for reading and sharing your experience